Changing stories. Changing people. Changing circumstances. Changing lanes. Life is full of change.
Before leaving Denmark to go and live in a land everyone has an opinion of … Before making the
decision to say our goodbyes and coming to the land where God himself walked … I thought of all the opportunities that Caspari Center has. I thought of a boat being prepared to sail. What does it need to be able to sail the waters of known and unknown seas? How well do you prepare the boat and the sailors? Can you prepare too much?
Sometimes you simply have to go out on a limb.
My family and I sought to make our boat available, to let the wind blow in the sails, to be a part of a larger fleet of boats. And thus we began our journey south.
Arriving in Jerusalem to work at the Caspari Center fills me with humility and with great expectations. The Caspari Center is like a boat seeking out opportunities to reinforce established routes as well as explore new expanses.
Having a new director of international studies affects the workplace. There is a discontinuity that can either be for the better or for the worse. I endeavor to fill the shoes of those who have gone before me. My prayer is that I might support believers from any given background – in whatever way the Lords grants his blessing!
At the moment, I am learning the language and haven’t fully entered into my new position: it is like getting started without any real beginning. I come to the Caspari Center once or twice a week to get a feel for the workplace and to get better acquainted with the staff. I am getting a sense of what it will be like to work here. As a new staff member, I am excited to know what my responsibilities will be, what is required of me, and what I will be delving into! Even though I won’t start working until autumn, after I have completed my language studies, I am already amazed by the diversity and unity within the Caspari team. I am happy to be part of a team which serves the local Messianic body with grace and devotion.
I look forward to serving his body in this land, the land of the greatest reconciliation of them all, “to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Messiah may be built up” (Eph 4:12).
David Serner (Danish Israel Mission) joined the Caspari team in January 2014, replacing Jakob Nielsen as Director for International Studies. David is currently studying Hebrew and will become an active member of the staff from autumn 2014. David also serves as the pastor at the Danish Lutheran Church in Jerusalem.