The Reason for the Season

  What are the Jewish holidays all about? The old joke has it this way: “They tried to destroy us; they failed; let’s eat.” Hanukah, Purim, and Passover fit this description perfectly well: they—the idolatrous Greeks, Haman, and Pharaoh with his army—did try to destroy us, each in their own time, place, and way. And […]

Christian Support for Israel: Glimpses from history and reaching out to the future

  “Jesus was a Zionist.”Although more and more Western Christians would disagree with this claim from Jürgen Bühler, increasing numbers of believers from the global South take it for granted. The dynamics among the supporters for Israel are changing rapidly. Jürgen Bühler, executive director of the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem (ICEJ), gave a Caspari Center […]

Have you started cleaning?

Pesach – Passover 2014/5774 Have you started cleaning for Pesach? How many times I have been asked this question during the last weeks. I do not know … but it always leaves me with a mixed feeling. I am not against cleaning for Pesach, but the intensity of the questions gives me a kind of backlash: […]

A New Beginning

  Changing stories. Changing people. Changing circumstances. Changing lanes. Life is full of change. Before leaving Denmark to go and live in a land everyone has an opinion of … Before making the decision to say our goodbyes and coming to the land where God himself walked … I thought of all the opportunities that […]

To the Jew first—but also to students of theology

  From January 16th to 24th this year, 25 students from the Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus took part in a study tour in Israel together with their professor, Morten Hørning Jensen. I had the privilege of guiding and teaching the group throughout the program, together with Morten. It was like getting back to […]

So, you came back alive!                

  My first encounter with Caspari Center was ten years ago, when I spent part of my summer vacation volunteering there. I wouldn’t necessary call it “a match made in heaven,” but the Caspari vision resonated strongly in me. I had experienced different aspects of Israel: spending time on a kibbutz, touring the country, and […]

Five Good Years at Caspari

January 17th was the last day of an almost five-year adventure for me and my family. We boarded our plane and left Israel, our home for the past five years. Moving always brings mixed feelings: all the excitement and anxiety about the unknown future mixed with the good memories but also sorrows about the things […]

God’s Provision

Many years ago, when my new life with the Bible in my hands had just started, I wanted to immediately learn and understand everything written in this book. I even remember my passionate prayers about that. Back then it seemed like attaining a complete and perfect understanding was quite possible – after all, this is […]

“To the Jew First” – Amen, But Tell Me How

That the Jewish people need to hear the Good News is, thankfully, clear to many supporters of Israel. The question, then, is how they will hear. Or, rather: How do we present the gospel in such a way that our audience will actually take it to heart? The above question is important for any communicator, […]

To the Source

Many of us are focused on our own generation and our congregational needs. But is the next generation really on the hearts of those living in the Western world? If we really care for the people of tomorrow, we should do something about it now. In post-Christian Europe, especially, it is getting more and more […]