Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

January 25 – 2017

During the week covered by this review, we received 9 articles on the following subjects:   Political Issues Anti-Missionary Activity Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Anti-Semitism Miscellaneous Archaeology   Political Issues Israel Hayom (two articles), January 16, Israel Hayom, January 17, 2017   The first article states that anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism and anti-Zionism are merely “the same […]

January 16 – 2017

During the week covered by this review, we received 9 articles on the following subjects:   Political Issues Messianic Jews (Organizations) Jerusalem Christian Tourism Book Reviews Archaeology   Political Issues The Jerusalem Post, January 13, 2017   The NGO called Women Wage Peace was formed in 2014 following Operation Protective Edge, with the intention of […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

January 11 – 2017

During the week covered by this review, we received 14 articles on the following subjects:   Israel Christians in Israel Anti-Missionary Activity Anti-Missionary Attitudes Interfaith Dialogue Messianic Jews (Individuals) Art Miscellaneous Archaeology   Israel Matzav HaRuach, December 30, 2016   This article considers it to be utterly pointless for Jews to celebrate “Sylvester Night,” (a […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

January 8 – 2017

During the week covered by this review, we received 25 articles on the following subjects:   Christians in Israel Israel Political Issues Anti-Missionary Activity Christian Tourism Christianity Christian and Jewish Holidays Miscellaneous   Christians in Israel Index HaEmek VeHaGalil-Nazareth Ilit, December 16, 2016   The article reports additional detail on the Christian Empowerment Council’s annual […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

December 28 – 2016

During the week covered by this review, we received 15 articles on the following subjects:   Israel Christian Tourism Christians in Israel Christian and Jewish Holidays Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Jerusalem Christian Zionism   Israel Israel Hayom, December 21; Haaretz, December 22, 2016   The Jerusalem rabbinate has issued an instruction to hotels in the […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

December 20 – 2016

During the week covered by this review, we received 14 articles on the following subjects:   Political Issues Israel Anti-Semitism Christian Tourism Christian and Jewish Feasts Miscellaneous Archaeology   Political Issues Matzav HaRuach, December 9; Haaretz, December 11, 2016   The first article surveys a statement made by US vice-president elect Mike Pence in a […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

December 12 – 2016

During the week covered by this review, we received 10 articles on the following subjects:   Israel Christians in Israel Christian Zionism Christian Tourism Book Reviews Music Reviews   Israel Yediot Haifa, December 2, 2016   The Tax Authority has stated that the fires in Haifa, as well as in eight other places, were caused […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

December 7 – 2016

During the week covered by this review, we received 17 articles on the following subjects:   Political Issues Israel Anti-Missionary Activity Christian Zionism Christian Tourism Music Reviews Film Reviews Archaeology   Political Issues HaModia, November 27, 2016   King Abdullah of Jordan recently stated in an interview with the Australian media that ISIS cannot be […]

The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

November 28 – 2016

During the week covered by this review, we received 12 articles on the following subjects:   Political Issues Israel Anti-Missionary Activity Anti-Semitism Christians in Israel Interfaith Dialogue Christian Zionism Miscellaneous   Political Issues Maariv, November 20, 2016   This article discusses the possibility that Mike Huckabee will be the next US ambassador to Israel. “The […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

November 23 – 2016

During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects:   Political Issues Anti-Missionary Attitudes The Pope and the Vatican Anti-Semitism Film History Book Reviews Archaeology   Political Issues Haaretz, November 14, 2016   This article presents to the reader four past instances showing US vice president–elect Mike Pence’s likely […]