man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

February 16 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 10 articles on the following subjects:     Political Issues     Christians and the Holocaust     Christian Zionism     Book Reviews     Miscellaneous     Archaeology Political Issues Israel Hayom, February 8; The Jerusalem Post, February 11, 2015 US President Barack Obama’s controversial address at the 2015 National […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

February 9 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 10 articles on the following subjects: Anti-Missionary Attitudes Christian Tourism Christians in Israel Miscellaneous Archaeology Anti-Missionary Attitudes Yom L’Yom; Sha’a Tova; Beit Mashiach, January 29, 2015 These articles reiterate the story from the February 3, 2015, Media Review about the anti-missionary activist organization Yad L’Achim sending […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

February 3 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 10 articles on the following subjects:     Christians and the Holocaust     Christian Zionism     Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians     Christian Tourism     Conversion to Judaism     Science and Technology     Miscellaneous     Archaeology Christians and the Holocaust Maariv, January 28, 2015 The non profit organization […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

January 26 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 9 articles on the following subjects:     Anti-Semitism     Christians in Israel     Christian Zionism     Christian Tourism     Miscellaneous     Archaeology Anti-Semitism Makor Rishon, January 23, 2015 The rise of Islam in Europe has caused a rise in the power of the far-right parties, who […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

January 21 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 4 articles on the following subjects:     Christian Zionism     Miscellaneous     Archaeology Christian Zionism HaShavua B’Chadera, December 31, 2014; Mabat Mekomi, January 1, 2015 A department of imaging has been added to the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, complete with a Philips Ingenia MRI machine. This […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

January 12 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 9 articles on the following subjects:     Israel     Christian Zionism     Christian Tourism     History     Music     Miscellaneous     Archaeology Israel The Jerusalem Post, January 2, 2015 A series of public opinion polls both in Israel and among American Jews have revealed that Pope […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

January 5 – 2015

During the week covered by this review, we received 14 articles on the following subjects:     Anti-Missionary Attitudes     Political Issues     Interfaith Dialogue     Christian Tourism     Art     Miscellaneous     Archaeology Anti-Missionary Attitudes Gal-Gefen, December 25, 2014 Inhabitants of Or Yehuda are “in shock” over having received missionary material in their mailboxes. “Inhabitants […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

December 31 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 15 articles on the following subjects: Anti-Missionary Activity Christian Tourism Judaism Miscellaneous Archaeology   Anti-Missionary Activity Kol Ha’Ir Bnei Brak, December 17; Sha’a Tova; BaKehila; HaShavua B’Elad, December 18, 2014 These articles are a reiteration of the stories in last week’s Review (December 24, 2014). The […]

December 24 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 15 articles on the following subjects:   Anti-Semitism Anti-Missionary Activity Christians in Israel Christian Tourism Science and Technology Art Archaeology   Anti-Semitism The Jerusalem Post, December 18, 2014 In this article, Matan Asher states that although the current European social leftist policy regarding Israel began during […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

December 16 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 19 articles on the following subjects:   Anti-Missionary Activity Christian Zionism Jewish–Christian Relations Israeli/Jewish Attitudes Concerning Jesus Early Christianity Christian Tourism Technology Miscellaneous Archaeology   Anti-Missionary Activity HaShavua HaChadash, November 27, 2014 During this past week, the Lehava Organization for the Prevention of Assimilation in the […]