Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

September 30 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 8 articles on the following subjects:   Anti-Semitism Jewish-Christian Relations Christians in Israel Miscellaneous Archaeology   Anti-Semitism HaMevaser, September 24, 2014 In this article, Menachem Kahana interviews Yitzhak Meir, a former Israeli ambassador to Belgium and Switzerland. Meir is convinced that anti-Semitism poses a threat first […]

The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

September 28 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 14 articles on the following subjects:   Christians in Israel Christian Zionism The Pope and the Vatican Political Issues Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Christian Tourism Archaeology   Christians in Israel Israel Hayom, Maariv, Haaretz, Israel Post, September 17, 2014 Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar has instructed the […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

September 16 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 5 articles on the following subjects:   Christian Zionism Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Miscellaneous   Christian Zionism Yediot Ahronot, September 9, 2014 As the holidays approach, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) continues its assistance by providing food and clothing to some 55,000 needy […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

September 9 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects:   Christian Zionism Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Anti-Semitism The Pope and the Vatican Christians in Israel Christian Tourism Miscellaneous Archaeology   Christian Zionism Israel Hayom, September 5, 2014 This article details a letter recently sent to Dr. Jürgen Bühler by […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

September 3 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 7 articles on the following subjects:   Jewish/Christian Relations Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Interfaith Dialogue Archaeology   Jewish/Christian Relations Haaretz, August 29, 2014 Wojciech Lemański, a Catholic priest in Jasienica near Warsaw, is known for being active in support of Jews – especially the memorializing of […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

August 25 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 6 articles on the following subjects:   Christian Zionism The Pope and the Vatican Christian Tourism Miscellaneous Book Reviews Archaeology   Christian Zionism Ha’Ir Kol Ha’Ir, August 15, 2014 The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews’ program “With Honor and Fellowship” was founded in 2013 in […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

August 10 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 6 articles on the following subjects:   Anti-Semitism Religious Freedom Christians in Israel Christian Tourism Miscellaneous   Anti-Semitism Ma’ariv, August 12, 2014 A statue has recently been raised in Budapest portraying Hungary as a World War II victim and Germany as the aggressor. The Jewish community […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

August 2 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 5 articles on the following subjects:   Christian Zionism Jews’ Attitudes Concerning Christians Book Reviews Archaeology   Christian Zionism HaShavua HaChadash, July 24, 2014 Bridges for Peace Europe has recently donated 100 “care packages” for Israeli soldiers in Gaza via “L’Dimona miLev el Lev.” The packages […]

The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

July 21 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects:   Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Jewish-Christian Relations Anti-Semitism Political Issues Status of Holy Places Christian Tourism Miscellaneous Archaeology   Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians BeSheva–Mitchalef Yerushalayim, BeSheva-Bnei Brak, BeSheva-Tzafon, July 10, 2014 Rabbi Tzfania Drori writes a rebuttal to Rabbi Nachum […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

July 17 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects:   Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Jewish-Christian Relations Anti-Semitism Political Issues Status of Holy Places Christian Tourism Miscellaneous Archaeology   Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians BeSheva–Mitchalef Yerushalayim, BeSheva-Bnei Brak, BeSheva-Tzafon, July 10, 2014 Rabbi Tzfania Drori writes a rebuttal to Rabbi Nachum […]