The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

April 28 – 2014

 During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects: Christian Holidays Anti-Semitism Christians in Israel Christian Tourism Miscellaneous Archaeology   Christian Holidays Atmosphera, April 10, 2014 The Our Lady of Sorrows Festival is held every Good Friday in the cities and villages of Malta. Among other things, the festival […]

April 23 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 16 articles on the following subjects:   The Pope and the Vatican Anti-Semitism Israel Jewish Holidays Christians in Israel Christian Tourism Miscellaneous History Archaeology   The Pope and the Vatican Haaretz, April 13, 2014 On Friday, April 11, Pope Francis gave a strong public apology for […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

April 14 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects:   Christians in Israel Jewish/Christian Dialogue Anti-Semitism Academic Issues Christian Tourism Miscellaneous Book Reviews Archaeology   Christians in Israel Kolbo, Yediot Haifa, April 4, 2014 Greek Catholic archbishop Elias Shakor recently finished his term of office in Haifa, after having […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

April 6 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 17 articles on the following subjects:   Anti-Missionary Activity Jews’ Relation to Christians Christians in Israel Political Issues Anti-Semitism Christian Organizations Archaeology Miscellaneous   Anti-Missionary Activity BeSheva, March 27, 2014 Yishai Friedman interviews Yechiam Fleishman, a Yad L’Achim activist who took a job with the organization […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

April 1 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 11 articles on the following subjects:   Jewish Christian relations Arab Believing Community Christian Zionism Miscellaneous Christian Sites Archaeology     Jewish Christian Relations Yediot HaSharon Herzliya, March 21, 2014 On Tuesday, March 18, a video conversation took place between a group of eighth graders in […]

The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

March 25 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 8 articles on the following subjects:   Jewish-Christian Relations Missionary Activity Christian Zionism Anti-Semitism Christian Tourism Israel   Jewish-Christian Relations The Jerusalem Post, March 20, 2014 In this article, Brian Schrauger explains why Jews do not attend the controversial “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference, which takes […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

March 10 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 11 articles on the following subjects:   Messianic Jews The Pope and the Vatican Jewish Attitudes Concerning Christians Conversion to Christianity Anti-Semitism Archeology Art Miscellaneous Christian Zionism   Messianic Jews Yediot Ahronot, March 7, 2014 This two-page article focuses on Calev Myers, the founder of the […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

March 2 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects:   Missionary Activity Interfaith Dialogue The Pope and the Vatican Political Issues Messianic Jews Christian Zionism Biography Anti-Semitism Christian Sites Miscellaneous Book Review   Anti-Missionary Activities Merkaz HaInyanim Zafon, February 24, 2014 This religious paper jubilantly reports on the failure […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

February 27 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 21 articles on the following subjects:   Arab Believing Community Christians in Israel Messianic Jews The Pope and the Vatican Political Issues Jewish-Christian Relations Christian Tourism Christian Sites Archeology Christian Holidays Book Review   Arab Believing Community Haaretz, February 19, 2014 MK Basel Ghattas has appealed […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

February 16 – 2014

During the week covered by this review, we received 10 articles on the following subjects:   Arab Believing Community Christians in Israel Christian Zionism Political Issues Miscellaneous Anti-Semitism Christian Holidays Art Book Review   Arab Believing Community Haaretz, February 9, 2014 Jacky Khoury writes this article in response to the growing number of Christian Arabs […]