Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

December 3 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 11 articles on the following subjects:   Jewish-Christian Relations The Pope and the Vatican Christians and the Holocaust Art Christian/Jewish Holidays Archeology Christian Sites Christian Tourism   Jewish-Christian Relations Maariv, November 26, 2013 The area surrounding King David’s tomb on Mount Zion has become a conflict […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

November 25 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 18 articles on the following subjects:   Messianic Jews The Pope and the Vatican Arab Believing Community Christian Holidays Jewish-Christian Relations Christian Zionism Miscellaneous Intermarriage Anti-Semitism Political Issues Archeology Christian Sites Bible   Messianic Jews Haaretz, November 21, 2013   This article discusses former President George […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

November 17 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 15 articles on the following subjects:   Christians in Israel The Pope and the Vatican Christian Zionism Messianic Jews Book Review Bible Art Archeology Christian Sites   Christians in Israel The Jerusalem Post, November 8, 2013 In response to the growing number of attacks on Christian […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

November 13 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 16 articles on the following subjects:   Missionary Activity The Pope and the Vatican Messianic Jews Political Issues Archeology Jewish-Christian Relations Book Review Christian Sites Anti-Semitism Bible   Missionary Activity Yediot Yerushalayim, November 1, 2013 This article reports on the removal of Café Forte’s kashrut certificate […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

November 6 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 17 articles on the following subjects:   Missionary Activity The Bible Biography Archeology Jewish-Christian Relations Messianic Jews Christian Zionism Art Anti-Semitism Political Issues The Pope and the Vatican   Missionary Activity HaShabbat BeNetanya, October 4, 2013 Lev L’Achim has said that it is OK to throw […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

October 28 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 11 articles on the following subjects:   Conversion to Christianity Conversion to Judaism Archeology Art The Bible Christian Sites Political Issues Missionary Activity – Correction   Conversion to Christianity Yisrael HaYom, October 25, 2013 This two-page article focuses on Omar Molinda and Majid a-Shafi, Muslim converts […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

October 20 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 16 articles on the following subjects:   Missionary Activity The Pope and the Vatican Political Issues Art Christian Sites Bible Jewish-Christian Relations Archeology Christian Zionism Miscellaneous   Missionary Activity HaModia, October 16 [X2]; Mishpaha, HaMevaser, October 18, 2013 Three articles reported on Yad L’Achim’s discovery of […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

October 14 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 20 articles on the following subjects:   Messianic Jews Jewish-Christian Relations Conversion to Judaism Anti-Semitism Christian Zionism Christians and the Holocaust The Pope and the Vatican Archeology Miscellaneous   Messianic Jews The Jerusalem Post, October 4, 2013 This three-page article focuses on the Messianic community of […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

October 6 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 8 articles on the following subjects:   Arab Believing Community Christian Zionism Archeology Christians and the Holocaust Anti-Semitism Art   Arab Believing Community Yisrael HaYom, October 4, 2013 In this article, Dror Idar reports on the latest developments for those within the Christian Arab community who […]

Domenico Gargiulo's painting of David carrying the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem

October 4 – 2013

During the week covered by this review, we received 15 articles on the following subjects:   Christians in Israel Missionary Activity Christian Zionism Christian Sites Miscellaneous   Christians in Israel Yisrael HaYom, September 24, 2013 Representatives of the Christian Arab community who support Arabs being drafted into the IDF said that they will do all […]