January 31 – 2000

CASPARI CENTER MEDIA REVIEW……………………………………….. JANUARY 2000, # 2   The number of articles found in the Israeli media’s coverage of matters related to Messianic Jews, the Mission, and other Christian matters came to a total of 140. Of the 140 articles, 41 articles focused on Christmas and the upcoming millennium, 27 articles dealt with missionary […]

January 15 – 2000

CASPARI CENTER MEDIA REVIEW,  JANUARY #1   Note to Subscribers: Starting with this issue of the Media Review, we will be sending an issue every two weeks instead of every month. This will enable readers to have information in hand closer to the time it appears in the media. For the period of time covered […]

December 31 – 1999

CASPARI CENTER MEDIA REVIEW,  DECEMBER 1999   Notice to our Subscribers:   Please be aware that in our preparation of the media review we are dependent on our supplier. We receive the press clippings once a week and have no control over how current the clippings are when they reach our desk. It is not […]

October 31 – 1999

CC Media Review 10/99   This month a total of 112 articles from the Israeli Hebrew and English press dealing with the subjects that this review covers were received. Of those articles, 35 dealt in some way with the dispute in Nazareth over the construction of a mosque on property adjacent to the Basilica of […]

September 30 – 1999

CC Media Review   Millennium issues continue to feature heavily in the press. Both the secular and the religious press seem equally concerned with the issue.   Demonstrations against Non-Jews (19/8/99, M’Yom L’Yom)   This Jerusalem weekly carries an announcement concerning the regular demonstrations against the immigration of non-Jews to Israel. The demonstrations will be […]

August 31 – 1999

CC MEDIA REVIEW   These past two months have seen much press devoted to the coming millennium. Many articles have related to the expected upsurge in tourism and the preparations, or lack of them, for the increased number of tourists and pilgrims. A number of the articles, in both the secular and religious press, have […]

July 31 – 1999

CC MEDIA REVIEW   These past two months have seen much press devoted to the coming millennium. Many articles have related to the expected upsurge in tourism and the preparations, or lack of them, for the increased number of tourists and pilgrims. A number of the articles, in both the secular and religious press, have […]

June 30 – 1999

CC Media Review June 99     Orthodox Fear Satellite Television (Zman HaBira, 19/5/99)   Heads of a number of Yeshivot and the leadership of Yad L’Achim have expressed grave concern following the decision by the minister of communications to authorize the use of private satellite dishes. They fear that the ‘Christian message’ will be […]

May 31 – 1999

CC MEDIA REVIEW 5/99     RECONCILIATION WALK (Jerusalem Post, Yediot Achronot, 03/05/99)   The papers report the beginning arrival of hundreds of Christian pilgrims who are following in the path of the Crusades. Approximately 2,000 pilgrims from 27 nations have taken part in the walk that began in Cologne, the starting point of the […]

March 31 – 1999

FIREBOMBS… (Ma’ariv 8/3/99)   The day before yesterday unidentified assailants threw three Molotov cocktails into the house of a family living in Migdal on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Police think that this act was motivated by the fact that the family belongs to the cult of the Messianic Jews. Michael and Tirzah […]