February 28 – 1999

CASPARI CENTER MEDIA REVIEW FEBRUARY 1999   The Jerusalem Post, Jan.18; Ha’Aretz, Feb.2 1999   ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS A recent wave of threats and attacks against Christian organizations is being investigated by Jerusalem police. On January 5th stones were thrown at St. Andrew’s Church, breaking several stained glass windows. Workers at the church were not […]

January 31 – 1999

CASPARI CENTER MEDIA REVIEW JANUARY 1999   Ha’Aretz, Dec.24; Kol HaNegev, Dec.25 1998   “WE’LL FIGHT THE MISSIONARIES TILL THE LAST DROP OF BLOOD” These are the words of Beersheba’s new Chief Rabbi, Yehuda Deri, spoken at an emergency anti-missionary meeting in that city. He went on to say, “… they baptize Jewish infants. They […]

December 31 – 1998

CASPARI CENTER MEDIA REVIEW DECEMBER 1998   PROTESTS IN BEERSHEBA   Ha’Aretz, HaModia,, HaTzofe, Ma’ariv, Yated Ne’eman, Yedi’ot Aharonot, Army Radio, Israel Radio, Israel TV, HaModia, Ma’ariv, The Jerusalem Post, Beersheba regional weeklies, etc. etc., Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 2-4, 1998   On Saturday November 28 a large crowd of Haredi Orthodox Jews surrounded […]

November 30 – 1998

THANKSGIVING PARTY HaModia, B’Kehila, Shisha Yamim, Yom HaShishi, Mishpaha, Oct.30 1998   In a banquet hall in central Israel, people from all sectors of society gathered recently, but this was no family party. They had one thing in common: all had been saved from the jaws of the mission, and had been invited here by […]

October 31 – 1998

MISSIONARY GROUP PLANS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE JERUSALEM MARCH HaModia, Sept.29 1998   A dangerous missionary group is planning to participate openly in the Jerusalem March, which is organized by the municipality. The Yad L’Achim anti-missionary organization has uncovered a cult’s internal document. The secret plan of the Messianic Jews is to bring a large […]

September 30 – 1998

MAC AD: MOCKING DEMOCRACY Ha’Aretz, August 3, 1998   We believe that Isaiah 53; Zechariah 12:10; Isaiah 9: 5,6; and Psalm 22 Show that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah of Israel! If the bill proposed by Knesset member Rafael Pinchasi of Shas passes and becomes law, we could be indicted and sentenced to three […]

August 31 – 1998

  MAC ADVERTISEMENT Ha’Aretz, Yedi’ot Aharonot, July 15 1998   THE TRAMPLING OF DEMOCRACY “…Those who laid you waste depart from you.” (Isaiah 49:17) On May 20th 1998 MK Raphael Pinchasi proposed a law according to which anyone who preaches his faith in public, with the intent of convincing others that he is right, is […]

July 31 – 1998

I HAVE DECIDED TO REVOKE YOUR CITIZENSHIP Ha’Aretz, June 26 1998, by Arye Dayan   “In the past year, the Interior Minister has been implementing an aggressive policy which is not far from ethnic cleansing: the citizenship of scores of people has been revoked, and some of them have been ordered to leave the country […]

June 30 – 1998

ANTI-MISSIONARY BILL The Jerusalem Post May 21, 22, June 1; HaModia, Yom L’Yom May 21; Yated Ne’eman May 22, 29 1998   A new anti-missionary bill has passed its preliminary reading in the Knesset, by a vote of 37 to 28. The bill, written by Shas MK Rafael Pinchasi, calls for a 3 year prison […]

May 31 – 1998

JUBILEE AD BY THE MAC Ha’Aretz (English and Hebrew editions), Yedi’ot Aharonot, Ma’ariv, April 29 1998   NO! – We will not desist from our struggle against those who threaten Israel’s democracy by proposing a law for religious censorship. – We will not accept the efforts of any political or religious power to control our […]