April 30 – 1998

MISSIONARY BILL? The Jerusalem Post, March 31 & April 2; Ha’Aretz, March 31 & April 1 1998   In a flurry of misinformation, Israeli papers declared that “Representatives of 50 Christian evangelical groups have agreed to make an unprecedented joint statement promising not to carry out missionary activity in Israel.” The agreement was hammered out […]

March 31 – 1998

CHRISTIAN PILGRIM CENTER TORCHED The Jerusalem Post, Feb.19; Kol Ha’Ir, Feb.27 1998   The Biblical Resources Center’s new premises in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem neighborhood were the target of an apparent arson. The building’s electrical system as well as portions of the wooden roof and front door were damaged in the fire. A pile of wood […]

February 28 – 1998

THE ULTIMATE JEWISH PLURALISTS The Jerusalem Post, Jan.9 1998, by Jonathan Rosenblum   Shortly after Reform and Conservative leaders hit upon the winning strategy of telling their followers that Orthodox Jews do not consider them Jewish, a remarkable full-page ad appeared in The New York Times. Entitled “A word of advice to 80 percent to […]

January 31 – 1998

I AM NOT A MISSIONARY Itton Yerushalayim, Dec.12 1997   This is the story of David Bar-Meir, who at the age of 71 has found himself in a battle with the Yad L’Achim anti-missionary organization. Bar-Meir, an orthodox resident of Mea She’arim, has dared to go against the flow. His sin: belief that Jesus was […]

December 31 – 1997

  16/12/97   PREPARE FOR THE COMING OF THE MESSIAHS Arim, Nov.14 1997, by D. Golan   This article is a comparison of two groups, each awaiting the coming of the Messiah. Their Messiah. On the one hand is Rabbi Maman of the Chabad Hasidim; on the other, Eitan Kashtan, a member of the Messianic […]

November 30 – 1997

MAC MEDIA CAMPAIGN The Messianic Action Committee has begun placing ads in the country’s major newspapers: The Jerusalem Post, Ma’ariv and Ha’Aretz. The first ad reproduced here appeared in all three papers on Sept.29, and the second in the Hebrew papers on Oct.31 and in the Post on Nov.5 1997.   Concerning the Bill for […]

August 31 – 1997

  “JESUS, JESUS, I’M COMING TO YOU” Yedi’ot Aharonot, August 6 1997   “Jesus, Jesus, where are you? / Jesus, do you love me?  …….  Jesus, Jesus, who am I? …… Jesus, Jesus, I’m coming to you …..” (translated from a Hebrew translation of the English original). Not your typical Jewish song, but Aviv Gefen, […]

July 31 – 1997

BUYING YOUR WAY TO HEAVEN Itton Yerushalayim; Ba’Makom; Ayalon; Kol HaDarom; June 20, 1997   These four identical articles focus on the increasing missionary activity in Israel’s Ethiopian community. Until now, the subject has been taboo, for fear of adding yet another reason for the immigrants to be suspect and unacceptable to “normal” Israelis. But […]

June 30 – 1997

THE CASE FOR (OR AGAINST) JESUS Kol Ha’Ir, May 23 1997, by M. Sfarad   In late 1948, at Israel’s newly formed Supreme Court, the judges were called to a secret meeting. Before them was the first in a string of appeals asking for a retrial of Jesus of Nazareth. The appeal, made anonymously by […]

May 31 – 1997

SCHOOL VIOLENCE Yedi’ot Ha’Galil, April 11 1997, by S. Vada   Two children of a Messianic Jewish family in Nazareth have been the target of violent attacks by their peers. The brothers, students in a public high-school, have been called “Hitler,” “anti-Semites” and “missionaries,” and were recently beat up by a group of students from […]