April 30 – 1997

THE WORLD ACCORDING TO YATED NE’EMAN Yated Ne’eman English Edition, March 28 1997   This article is part one of a review of the battles over the “heavenly Jerusalem” – the city’s aspects of sanctity and spirituality. It focuses on the “missionary” hospitals of the 19th century and later battles against the screening of movies […]

March 31 – 1997

STRANGE HOW WE TREAT THEM  -&- GENTILE VOLUNTEERS NO LONGER SO WELCOME The Jerusalem Post, Feb.14 1997   These companion articles appeared in a section devoted to Israelis’ attitudes to the “Strangers among us.”  They focus on the hurdles encountered by Christians who want to stay here long-term and work or volunteer in various places. […]

February 28 – 1997

ELDERLY HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR IS DECLARED A MISSIONARY BY ORTHODOX Itton Yerushalayim, Jan.24 1997   David Bar Meir, a 71 year old resident of Mea Shearim, has been branded a missionary and a pervert by orthodox elements who went so far as to hang posters calling on the public to beat and stone him. The problems […]

January 31 – 1997

January 31, 1997   SECULAR ISRAELIS, BEWARE Letter to the Editor, Itton Yerushalayim, Jan.10 1997   Throughout all the years of the Jewish people’s existence, we were always warned against the Christian missionaries who wanted to convert us. But compared to the shocking Jewish missionary message of Rabbi Leah Kook at a gathering of newly […]

January 14 – 1997

Jerusalem, Jan. 14 1997   ORTHODOX STAGE POGROM IN BNEI-BRAK HOME OF SUSPECTED MISSIONARY Ma’ariv, Dec. 17 1996   An angry crowd of orthodox youth mobbed a Bnei-Brak apartment house on Saturday afternoon, throwing rocks and smashing the windows of a flat occupied by a 21 year old Armenian immigrant suspected of being a missionary. […]