Tag Archives: 2020
November 29 – 2020
During the week covered by this review, we received 6 articles on the following subjects: Political Issues Conversion to Judaism Anti-Missionary Attitudes Political Issues Haaretz, November 22, 2020; Mishpacha, November 19, 2020; Kfar Chabad, November 19, 2020 United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, recently made a trip to Israel […]
Navn på Gud i Bibelen (Del 1)
Elisabeth E. Levy, leder av Caspari Center En gang utvekslet jeg telefon-nummer med en ortodoks rabbiner her i Jerusalem. Da jeg dikterte mitt nummer, så rabbineren opp på meg og spurte med synlig begeistring: «Hvordan fikk du tak i et slikt nummer?!» Jeg hadde aldri tenkt at mitt nummer var noe spesielt, jeg hadde ganske […]
Jumalan nimet Raamatussa (osa I)
Elisabeth E. Levy, Caspari-keskuksen toiminnanjohtaja Sattuipa eräänä päivänä täällä Jerusalemissa, että vaihdoin puhelinnumeroita ortodoksirabbin kanssa. Kun sanelin numeroani, rabbi katsoi minua hämmästyneenä ja ihmetteli: ”Kuinka sait tuollaisen numeron?” Itse en ollut nähnyt siinä mitään erikoista; olin vain valinnut numerosarjan sillä perusteella, että se oli helppo muistaa. Näytin varmaan aika hämmentyneeltä enkä vastannut heti, jolloin hän […]
Names of God in the Bible (Part I)
Elisabeth E. Levy, Director of Caspari Center Once upon a time, I was exchanging phone numbers with an Orthodox rabbi, here in Jerusalem. As I dictated my number, the rabbi looked up at me and inquired with visible excitement: “How did you get ahold of such a number?!” I’d never thought of my number as […]
November 22 – 2020
During the week covered by this review, we received 11 articles on the following subjects: Christians and the Holocaust Archeology / Christian Tourism Jewish Attitudes towards Christianity Political Issues / Christian Zionism Bible Interfaith Relations The Vatican Christians and the Holocaust The Jerusalem Post, November 16, 2020; HaMevasser, November 16, 2020; Iton […]
November 2020 – English
November 15 – 2020
During the week covered by this review, we received 7 articles on the following subjects: Political Issues / Jerusalem Political Issues / Interfaith Relations Anti-Missionary Attitudes / Christian Organizations Anti-Missionary Activity Christians and the Holocaust Archeology Political Issues / Jerusalem Globes, November 9, 2020 The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate has petitioned the Jerusalem courts for an […]
November 2020 – Norwegian
November 8 – 2020
During the week covered by this review, we received 13 articles on the following subjects: Messianic Jews (individuals) / Political Issues Political Issues / Christian Zionism Israeli Attitudes to Christianity Anti-Missionary Activity Anti-Missionary Attitudes Interfaith Dialogue Messianic Jews (individuals) / Political Issues The Jerusalem Post, October 30, 2020 The vice president nominee for […]